Denver Hokies 3.2 for 32 Run in RemembranceApril 12, 2025
Please join the Denver Hokies on Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., as we remember the 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty members who were tragically taken from their loved ones and our community on April 16, 2007.
Join us at Denver South High School , 1700 E Louisiana Ave Denver, CO 80210, as we run and walk to honor the Hokies who are no longer with us.
We will be gathering in the Denver South High School parking lot, in front of the main building entrance, located across from the Southeast corner of Washington Park. It won’t be hard to find the Denver Hokies, just look for maroon & orange, a Virginia Tech flag and a HokieBird!
Family, friends and non-Hokies are all invited.
The chapter will set up a tailgate and provide an assortment of catered sandwiches and veggies. Leading up to the event we’ll send out a potluck sign up to round out the buffet.
We will gather for a group picture to kick off the event at 11 a.m. and lunch will be ready and waiting after the walk/run.
If you have any questions, please email the Chapter President Mark Hojegian at
Denver Hokies 3.2 for 32 Run in Remembrance - 2025